Monday, April 22, 2019

Mundane Monday

The Mundane Monday 

Why are Mondays so dang mundane? And why do we hate them so much? 

 Figuratively speaking Monday is the first day of the week for many. Considered the ultimate start day if you will. Whether it be fitness, diet or a new routine Monday seems to be the kick off for so many to start a new. We say to ourselves "I'll do this starting monday" or "I'll start that at the beginning of next week". Just like I did myself when I said " I'll start a new weekly blog series on Monday". I feel like that might make me a bit of a hypocrite here but it truly was my inspiration for this particular post. Regardless be rest assured that is not the underlying issue here. In a nutshell the build up and anticipation of the Monday in and of itself is what makes it mundane. 

Why the build up?

 Frankly we make ourselves wait for something that we are trying desperately to sell ourselves, that I'm not sure we really want to buy in the first place. Not to say every circumstance is defined this way given my last example but, think about this for a minute. Whenever you go shopping and buy a new purse or a new pair of shoes you never wait until Monday to start using them. Why is that? Because you committed to the purchase from the get go. You didn't have to sell yourself on the idea. Oh sure you're going to try it on and make sure it is a fit for you. But let's be real ultimately if you really want it you make the purchase, follow through and move on.

Why the anticipation?

 It's simple, because consciously we think to ourselves this time is needed. Not only to focus but to also began to prepare, when in reality it's our subconscious exchanging excitement for anxiety. By definition anticipation is an emotion involving pleasure, excitement, or anxiety in considering or awaiting an expected event. In the case of the mundane Monday there is no exception. Anxiety is the true culprit here not pleasure, nor excitement. Many can continue to allow themselves to live in this delusion, believing it, all in the name of personal growth but I would much rather hit it head on, process it and move forward. We do not need Mondays to start something good, healthy and/or physical.

 To wrap it up...

 Do not allow yourself to get wrapped and trapped in this crazy mental game. Challenge and restructure your perception. Remind yourself to stop waiting to get started. You are only postponing your responsibility to yourself when you do that. It is completely unnecessary. Not to mention psychologicaly damaging. Be true to yourself and be honest. There is no need to procrastinate when doing something that you want to. If you really don't want to do it then stop and take the time to examine why. Ask yourself why do I delay until the mundane Monday? What benefit is it adding to my life? Again focus on what you really want to do. Commit to it,  follow through and move forward. Anything less should be unacceptable and is unfortunately stunting your personal growth.  

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