Tuesday, April 30, 2019

#project34 Products & Reviews

#project34 Products 
& Reviews 

Let's talk sugar!!!

 Ok ladies lets talk sugar scrubs! I have been using sugar scrubs since middle school and I absolutely love them. I used to love making all different types of homemade scrubs. In my opinion you can't beat homemade but I found Tree Hut is coming in at a close second. So at this point what is it that makes the difference for me? My time! Period. 

 As a busy Mommy I'll take anything that is going to save me time and energy plus make me feel better. Let me tell you Tree Hut's Shea Sugar Scrubs is the store bought product that surely delivers. No more grocery shopping for ingredients, spending additional  time prepping or portioning. No more purchases seperate packing or storing. Just easy and simple. With amazing results. 

 Tree Hut's Shea Sugar Scrub in Almond & Honey gently exfoliates your skin while also deep moisturizing. Leaving your skin silky smooth. It contains 100% pure shea butter, infused with safflower seed oil for amazing conditioning. It is paraben free and also proudly made in the USA . The have several different options in various scents and ingredients all targeting different focuse areas and delivering wonderful results. 

 Of course I am providing two links below for easy product research and purchase. First the direct website which is a beautiful webpage btw and second my favorite... Amazon, because as a mother and wife well that is just one of the many secrets to making magic happen is PRIME!!!

 I hope you give these great sugar scrubs a try and love them just as much as I do. After all we mommies deserve to treat ourselves every once in a while. Enjoy! Until next time.

Link below:๐Ÿ‘‡


Monday, April 29, 2019

Ares Dog Of War 


 This is Ares Bowersox Ot Vitosha, he is a 9 week old Belgian Malinois from Ot Vitosha Malinois & Premier Protection Dogs. 

 He came to us one week ago and has already become one of the family instantly. He is still adjusting and for the most part doing rather well. He is a very sweet and rambunctious puppy. He has much curiosity and no lack in confidence for himself. 

 He is an adventures pup, so eager to please. We are so excited to begin our family adventure together. We recently created an Instagram page for Ares and would love for you to click and follow along for all the fun too. 

 I've linked the page below. We are having such an amazing time training and playing. Ares is all we could of hoped for in a well balanced breed Malinois. Here's to many years bonding over long walks, tug of wars, Birthday rotisserie chickens and cuddles on the couch. 

Link Below:๐Ÿ‘‡



Friday, April 26, 2019

Fierce Fitness Friday

Fierce Fitness Friday 


Week 2

 It's Friday again!!! Whoop Whoop!!! There is nothing like waking up knowing your weekend is just hours away. Initiate countdown please. 5, 4, 3, 2....

 Ok, moving on. So, in last weeks blog post I touched on a few specific issues that were huge contributors to my massive weight gain. I chose to simplify my responses to those issues in order to be able to consolidate and give a more rounded idea of what a complicated mess I was living in. After publishing the post one of my long time girlfriends of over fifteen years reached out and requested I "dig deeper". She wanted me to break down the different struggles individually and provide a step by step approach to show other woman that they too can overcome and shine.

 I have decided to take her advice. I will use this opportunity and platform to open up and "dig deep" on these issues, focusing on each one individually, every week until complete. I made a promise to myself that #project34 would be raw, unfiltered and 100% honest. And believe me I have no intention of letting myself or any of my readers down. Challenge accepted dear friend. I appreciate your love and support but most of all I admire your dedication to me and my success. It is my hope this helps anyone going though a similar situation and reminds them they are not alone.

(Postpartum Depression)
Definition: depression suffered by a mother following childbirth, typically arising from the combination of hormonal changes, psychological adjustment to motherhood, and fatigue.

 Well thank you Webster but that is a bunch of generic BS. It doesn't even come close to truly explaining PPD and what it is. In my opinion you can take that hogwash and shove it where the sun don't shine. No wonder why so many mothers feel so inadequate and uncomfortable. Fearful to talk to anyone about it. By this definition losing your shit and trying desperately to keep up is just "adjusting to motherhood".

   How about this for a definition Webster...

 Feeling as though you are drowning in a pool of self doubt, raging anger, uncontrollable anxiety, misunderstood frustration, ultimate sadness, pure disgust, unforgiving regret and guilt ridden loneliness due to all listed emotions above. I think that's way more descriptive don't you?! Oh and don't forget the constant and uncontrollable crying! The migraines favorite breeding ground.

 So how did I overcome my PPD?! First, I let my guard down and spoke about it. Alot! I knew something was not right and I made sure the people I cared about in my life knew it. That took alot for me to admit. Like I said before in my last post, I did not accept failure. I will say I am beyond lucky. I have the most amazing husband and friends that saw what was happening. They immediately stepped in and helped me get help.

 After coming to terms with the fact that I really did need help I called my insurance company and requested a list of licensed therapists in my area that was covered under my plan. I then began the exhausting search for the person that I would unload all of my baggage upon. But to be honest that wasn't even the hardest part. That came next when I had to practically force myself to get out of my car and go in their office.

 I chose therapy over medication which became a controversial decision for my extended family to except. Many of them could not understand my outlook or opinion on psych meds let alone Big Pharma. At this point I felt I had to defend myself. Note: to those of you who wish to help someone suffering from PPD remember to always listen with an open mind. Validation is key here and so important to the one suffering.

 Now came the real work. The brutal honest truth hitting you in the face at 100 mph! Recognizing all the damage. Sorting through all the pain. Facing the failure. Pushing through the dirty mess you have avoided at all costs. Deciphering this strange creation you never felt you were apart of from the first place. Taking accountability for every mistake you have ever made and pushing forward to conquer self forgiveness.

 Next was understanding that I had a responsibility to myself. In therapy I had highlighted every point of weakness I had, therefore there was no excuse to not address them. I was given the tools I needed to move forward and I was expected to use them. I discovered expectation were my  kryptonite. It held me prisoner and created a place of uncontrollable anxiety. I had to be okay with letting the expectation go.

 BTW life lesson here...  Expectations are the number one killer in any relationship whether romantical or platonic. Expecting more of others than what you yourself are willing to give always ends in failure. Once I put all these pieces together much like a puzzle the picture was clear as day. I had created an unrealistic reality for myself. Something I would never live up to. And worst part I was choosing to live this way!

 One of the most important lessons I took away from this experience besides self forgiveness was the practice of pause. My therapist explained that life is a complicated process. Period and anxiety is just the side effect. I still struggle with anxiety to this day but I am able to center myself with the practice of pause and refocus on what is really important in life.  As cliche as it sounds life really is too short to not find peace within yourself.

 If you or someone you know is suffering from PPD please reach out and get the help needed. Again know you are not alone. For support I have linked some great resources below. Remember never be afraid of change. It is apart of the process and a requirement to becoming who you truly are meant to be. You are not defined by your PPD. It is my hope and prayer that you can come to a place of peace and are able to love yourself again.


Links below:๐Ÿ‘‡

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

#project34 Products & Reviews

#project34 Products & 

Let The Animal Out!!!

 It is Wednesday y'all! So, you know what that means... it's time for another #project34 Products & Reviews! Over the weekend my daughter Danica said she wanted to help me out and be apart of this weeks Products & Reviews. She truly is my little helper. So sweet. Anyways I found these adorable sloth sheet masks at Target for around $4 dollars a piece for us to try together.

 I want to mention that these masks are toxic free, with no harsh chemicals or parabens. Which is really important when purchasing for a younger person or child considering their skin is different. I do caution anyone with acne, sunburn or sensitive skin to read the directions carefully and remember everyone skin responds differently to the use of new products.

 The name of this particular brand is Pretty Animalz by Masque Bar. They have been featured in popular magazines such as Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Allure and Bazaar. They come in a variety of animals to choose from. Including Tiger, Zebra, Panda and Monkey to just name a few. These were so fun to use and amazingly they really do work. I was truly impressed by the quality of the mask itself.

 This cute character mask is enriched with plant extracts such as citrus, leaf and honeysuckle to help hydrate and moisturize your skin as naturally as possible. Leaving it feeling smooth and glowing. No dry or tight over here! Perfect for a night in with your favs. I mean who doesn't love a spa night? Right?! Check out the link below and have some fun letting you inner animal out!


Link below:๐Ÿ‘‡

Monday, April 22, 2019

Mundane Monday

The Mundane Monday 

Why are Mondays so dang mundane? And why do we hate them so much? 

 Figuratively speaking Monday is the first day of the week for many. Considered the ultimate start day if you will. Whether it be fitness, diet or a new routine Monday seems to be the kick off for so many to start a new. We say to ourselves "I'll do this starting monday" or "I'll start that at the beginning of next week". Just like I did myself when I said " I'll start a new weekly blog series on Monday". I feel like that might make me a bit of a hypocrite here but it truly was my inspiration for this particular post. Regardless be rest assured that is not the underlying issue here. In a nutshell the build up and anticipation of the Monday in and of itself is what makes it mundane. 

Why the build up?

 Frankly we make ourselves wait for something that we are trying desperately to sell ourselves, that I'm not sure we really want to buy in the first place. Not to say every circumstance is defined this way given my last example but, think about this for a minute. Whenever you go shopping and buy a new purse or a new pair of shoes you never wait until Monday to start using them. Why is that? Because you committed to the purchase from the get go. You didn't have to sell yourself on the idea. Oh sure you're going to try it on and make sure it is a fit for you. But let's be real ultimately if you really want it you make the purchase, follow through and move on.

Why the anticipation?

 It's simple, because consciously we think to ourselves this time is needed. Not only to focus but to also began to prepare, when in reality it's our subconscious exchanging excitement for anxiety. By definition anticipation is an emotion involving pleasure, excitement, or anxiety in considering or awaiting an expected event. In the case of the mundane Monday there is no exception. Anxiety is the true culprit here not pleasure, nor excitement. Many can continue to allow themselves to live in this delusion, believing it, all in the name of personal growth but I would much rather hit it head on, process it and move forward. We do not need Mondays to start something good, healthy and/or physical.

 To wrap it up...

 Do not allow yourself to get wrapped and trapped in this crazy mental game. Challenge and restructure your perception. Remind yourself to stop waiting to get started. You are only postponing your responsibility to yourself when you do that. It is completely unnecessary. Not to mention psychologicaly damaging. Be true to yourself and be honest. There is no need to procrastinate when doing something that you want to. If you really don't want to do it then stop and take the time to examine why. Ask yourself why do I delay until the mundane Monday? What benefit is it adding to my life? Again focus on what you really want to do. Commit to it,  follow through and move forward. Anything less should be unacceptable and is unfortunately stunting your personal growth.  

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Spotlight Saturday

This weeks Saturday Spotlight

Juice Plus+


 Hello everybody! I hope you are having a wonderful start to your weekend. I wanted to share with you what I considered to be the game changer.

 I found out about Juice Plus+ about three years ago through a girlfriend of mine in Jacksonville, FL. I had noticed her children ate raw vegetables and loved fruits of all kind so of course I asked " What's the deal? How did you do it?" She promptly handed me a bag of Juice Plus+ gummies and from then and there I was sold. 

 Juice Plus+ is a brand of supplements containing concentrated fruit and vegetable juice extract, fortified with added vitamins and nutrients. Juice Plus+ Fruit, Vegetables and Berry Blends provide added whole food based nutrition from thirty different fruits, vegetables, and grains in convenient little capsules or yummy gummy form.

 My eight year old daughter loves the gummies so much. She is so excited to take them everyday. I truly believe in Juice Plus+ and can rest assured she is getting her daily does of fruits and veggies. It bridged the gap between what we should eat versus what we do eat. Juice Plus+ provides nutrition not only from fruits and vegetables but also  grains, plants and algal oils as well. 

 Another reason I love Juice Plus+ is because you children are free. Thanks to a wonderful program called Healthy Starts for Families. Juice Plus+ designed this wellness initiative to inspire healthy living at home. It allows families to make simple, but meaningful lifestyle changes. Which propels them forward to a better healthier life.

 I believe as parents we have a responsibility to creat healthy habits with our children. It's important to teach the benefits of whole food based nutrition. The best way to reduce risk of disease is to eat healthy. Juice Plus+ puts more valuable nutrition from fruits  and vegetables back into your diet to directly improve your health and wellness.

 If you want to give yourself or your loved ones a better diet and healthier lifestyle this is the way to go. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out and just ask. I can talk about Juice Plus+ all day. To get started on the new juice you just click the link and get started. I would love to help you.

Link below:๐Ÿ‘‡


Friday, April 19, 2019

Fierce Fitness Friday 

Week 1

 So I guess this is where I am supposed to break down my personal experiences and share my testimony???
Well, here goes nothing...

  1. Got knocked up๐Ÿคฐ๐Ÿผ
  2. Gained weight๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ•๐ŸŸ๐ŸŒญ๐ŸŒฎ
  3. Delivered baby naturally๐Ÿคฑ๐Ÿผ
  4. Insert PPD๐Ÿ˜ฅ
  5. Insert anxiety๐Ÿ˜ฌ
  6. Loss of self esteem๐Ÿ˜”
  7. Loss of confidence๐Ÿ˜ข 
  8. Gain more weight๐Ÿ˜ญ
  9. Became sick๐Ÿคข๐Ÿค•
  10. Finally I said NO MORE!!!๐Ÿšซ๐Ÿšซ๐Ÿšซ
 It is most important to note that if you are experiencing PPD please know you are not alone. I want to encourage you to immediately contact your doctor or call Postpartum Support International at
1.800.944.4773. I've linked their website below.

Link below:๐Ÿ‘‡

Please know YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!

 Let me start off by saying I had been naturally thin my whole life. Never having issues with my weight growing up you can imagine my reaction to gaining over 60lbs after my 2nd pregnancy with my daughter. I had no idea another 40lbs were around the corner and in my near future. The truth was I had let myself go and hated myself for it. I became my own worst enemy. To the point I did not want to live anymore. Thankfully I broke down one day to my husband letting out all those dirty little thoughts and secrets. And thankfully he made it very clear NO MORE, I was going to get help.

 After speaking with my doctor I began the long tedious process of digging my way out of the "dark whole" called PPD. Once I was somewhat back on track with a routine,  including self care and physical activity I was able to create my game plan for my comeback or as I like to call it my...
#clapback๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ”™. I knew it was time for me to not only put in the work physically but also mentally.

 After diving into the why's of life (with the help of a licensed therapist) I came to the conclusion that I had created an unrealistic expectation for myself since childhood of a constant need for perfection. Anything less would be considered failure in my eyes. Looking back no wonder I felt I was losing my mind. Let's be honest, you can only live in that fantasy for so long before you end up side stepping into that unexpected forever changing completely unpredictable reality of motherhood.

  You see by losing myself in the dark webs of PPD, PTSD, never ending self judgement and anxiety, I had allowed myself to become a prisoner. But it was of my own making. Once I realized that I said "I made it, I'll change it! I began to listen to motivational speakers like Mel Robbins and Christine Hassler, read books like Candace Cameron Bure's Reshaping It All and Arianna Huffington's Thrive, I began meditating and writing again. Once I gave myself permission to not be perfect anymore I stopped fighting myself and my whole perception shifted.

 Next I hired an amazing trainer (I went through a few bad apples at first) who really cared about me and my needs. I worked with her on a brand new custom healthy lifestyle plan including diet, exercise and daily self love affirmations. Overall it became my roadmap to finding myself again. This didn't happen over night. It was alot of sweat and tears. Alot of cursing and crying. Yes I said crying. I am not afraid to admit that. It is a journey, meant to break you, shape you and then ultimately define you.

 I am currently somewhere between shaping and defining. And I am okay with that. I am right where I am supposed to be in this season of life. I know I still have alot to learn and today I am excited about it. My journey is far from over. My challenge moving forward is to never stop growing. To always be open minded and joyful. With pure intent. I challenge you ladies to do the same. Become fierce. Become fit. Become you. Believe in yourself, I do! Until next week...


Wednesday, April 17, 2019

#project34 Products & Reviews

#project34 Products
& Reviews

 As a full time mom and wife on the go I am always looking for amazing beneficial products that not only work but are affordable and make my life just a little bit easier. Last month one of my girlfriends told me about Neutrogena Hydro Boost. It is a hydrating serum and after hearing her awesome testimony of course I had to try it. After a little research I found out it has a unique ingredient called hyaluronic acid which is a vital naturally-occurring substance which helps your cells retain moisture. It works by replenishing and enhancing your skin leaving you with healthy supple glow. A must have in my bag for sure. I have been using it religiously and I am beyond impressed with the results. I believe in sharing the knowledge ladies so here you go. I love it, I use it and I want you to know about it.

Link below:๐Ÿ‘‡

 Now onto my favorite rose water. I've been using rose water for close to ten years now and love it. I really felt they were all the same until I found this one that I absolutely love. PEARLESSENCE Rose Water is by far the most superior face mist I've found. This one is the real deal skin quencher. It is so refreshing and smells wonderful. It controls excess oil along with noticeably tightening and toning. This one is great for your hair as well. I use this as a finish spray over my makeup as well as apply it every night after washing my face before bed. I am for quality over quantity and this one definitely hit the mark. 

Link below:๐Ÿ‘‡

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Bigger Look Book of the Month

Bigger Look Book of the Month

April Choice Feature:

The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living

By: Meik Wiking

 First let me start of by saying I am so excited to share this beautiful book with you. If you can not tell by the name of this blog I am Danish and very proud of it. I am rooted in my Scandinavian culture and love the value in what is known as Hygge [Hoo-gah].

So what is Hygge? Well by American definition hygge is a quality of coziness and comfortable conviviality that engenders feelings of contentment or well-being. In Denmark, hygge is more than just a word, it is the culture. As the Danes say hygge is " to give courage, comfort and joy". 

 I wanted to showcase an easy to read fun Danish lifestyle book since there's only a few weeks left in this month's new book club, Bigger Look Book Monthly. I have to say Meik Wiking delivers one hundred percent on this one. It holds your attention. Gives you great positive energy and motivates you to better care for your spirit.

 I believe in hygge. It's simple focus on comfort and joy gives me such a sense of balance in my life. Things are forever changing in this world which can sometimes be unsettling. The world can be a harsh and unforgiving. So it's important to center yourself in a place of warmth, love and embrace. 

 I encourage anyone reading this blog to create their own Hygge and to read The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living by Meik Wiking. It is a beautiful book. Full of wonderful little gems on how to simplify your life and get back to the basics of happy. After all the Danes are the happiest people in the world. Right?! Hygge 


Link below:๐Ÿ‘‡
Check this out:

Monday, April 15, 2019

Marriage and the man...

Let's talk marriage and the man...

 My husband and I have been together for fifteen years, married for three and we have an amazingly beautiful eight year old daughter. I guess you could say we did things a little bit backwards and not so traditional. We were young and in love, what can I say?! In many ways we grew up together from teenagers into young adults and then parents. Honestly I wouldn't change it because it made us who we are. #WeThree.

 I want to say that over the course of the past fifteen years we have had our fair share of tests and challenges just like any other couple would. We have suffered great loss together. We have buried friends and family together. We have gone through tough financial burdens together. We moved all over the country together. We have shared the sorrow of losing a child together. You see things have not always been sunshine and roses. My point is the key word being TOGETHER. 

 I am and always have been a beautiful complicated mess. In my defense I was very honest about this and believe me he was well aware of it from the beginning. Not that I was unhinged or irrational but I was unapologetically WILD. I never backed down and worked hard for everything I had. I was a tough independent young woman that didn't take crap from anyone. I still don't but it wasn't always that way. However that's a different story for a different day.

 Now on a more serious note. Full transparency here, I was in many ways an emotionally damaged person. I had endured alot of abuse, heartache and loss by this point in my short time on the earth. I can say I spent alot of time allowing my emotions and anger to get the best of me. By this point in my life I had little to no patience for fatuity and like my own mother I did not suffer fools gladly. 

 Enter feelings... which I can admit, I was not the best at processing at the time. Again anger was my most comfortable emotion and had never failed me in keeping my heart safe thus far. Thankfully he had eminence patience. I do think he enjoyed the challenge though. With that being said he accepted I was a flawed human being with baggage. He BRAVED the instability without judgment.

 He instilled in me something I had lost long ago, HOPE. He gave me normalcy again. He supported my sobriety which is real love let me tell you. He created beautiful memories with the sole intent to drown out the terrible ones. He challenged me to define myself by my successes and not my failures. He prepared me to be great. And even though I fall short at times he reminds me that greatness is only fruitful gratefulness. 

 One thing we have always had in common is our love of sports. We knew it was a sign to be during our first March Madness together being that we are both huge Duke fans. Side Note: I am still the biggest JJ Redick fan EVER. Which by the way to this day he is still the all-time leading scorer for Duke. Anyways I digress. whether SEC Football, college basketball or just playing 18 holes of golf, sports is something that we love doing together.

 See there's that word again, together. For us I think sports strengthen our marriage and keep our heads in this so called game of life. Growing up as a jock I can tell you sports take root in your life. You learn very quickly it takes a team to win and you're only as good as your weakest player. This strategy is huge for us. Focusing in this way really works for us. 

 Team #You&Me started by realizing that our marriage like in basketball has it's ups, it's downs, injuries, disappointments, but the highs and lows never take away from the bond you create with one another. It gives you the drive to show up and work hard for each other. To rely on one another. In turn you build mutual respect and trust. The true foundation of a soild marriage.

 Ultimately you have to be willing to go for the ball and box out your opponent. Always pushing forward and giving your best effort. For us show up and show out. That's how you secure and champion the win. By always out working your opponent and staying focused on the team dream.

 In the words of Candace Parker " Today I know that there is still work to be done, but along the way I am achieving my dreams." All in all isn't that the goal in life? I always try to remember three things... Love, Passion and Growth. Love the game. Play with passion. Learn from the growth. Lastly I am so blessed to have my BRAVE husband loving every bit of my WILD heart!
